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What are the factors related to the breaking strength of epoxy resin mesh cloth?

time:2019-01-08 13:18:44 Author:

The existence of grid cloth is a popular existence in the market of insulating materials nowadays.

The existence of grid cloth is a popular existence in the market of insulating materials nowadays. With the development of social economy, the market of grid cloth is also growing up gradually. Epoxy resin grid cloth is a typical existence of insulating materials nowadays. The influencing factors of the specific breaking strength of epoxy resin grid cloth are summarized in this paper.
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The breaking strength is closely related to the number or weight of glass supports. At present, the weight of glass fiber mesh cloth used in external insulation system of exterior wall in our country is generally about 130g per square meter, and its strength is generally low, and its normal breaking strength is only about 1000? N / 5cm. In Europe or the United States, where the technology and regulations of exterior wall insulation are relatively mature, the breaking strength of glass fiber mesh fabric is much higher. The German Architectural Technical Commission (DIBt) requires that the normal breaking strength of glass fiber mesh cloth used in external insulation system of exterior wall be greater than 1750N/5cm and the alkali resistance retention rate be greater than 50%. If domestic products meet this requirement, the weight of square metre should be more than 160g.
Understanding the above specific impact factors of the breaking strength of epoxy mesh cloth, hoping to help customers and friends understand the mesh cloth, to provide support for ensuring production efficiency and demand.
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