
Phenolic board chemical resistance supplier here in Phillipines

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Phenolic board chemical resistance supplier here in Phillipines

Time: 08-10 2020    Auther: Ztelec group

The phenolic board from ZTelec Group can be divided into two types, phenolic paperboard and Phenolic cotton lamina...

The phenolic board from ZTelec Group can be divided into two types, phenolic paperboard and Phenolic cotton laminate sheet. Our Phillipines customer mainly looked for phenolic paperboard this time. And they want to use it in distribution box. This field investigation help them understand our manufacturing process, company strength, after-sales service and target customers better. Finally they told us that we are reliable supplier of phenolic board. To choose ZTelec Group is to choose good quality.

Main features of Phenolic board chemical resistance

Phenolic board chemical resistance has good electrical performance at room temperature, good mechanical processing performance, specific gravity 1.45, with excellent electrical, mechanical and processing properties. Good mechanical strength and certain anti-static, electrical insulation.

Application of Phenolic board chemical resistance

Phenolic board chemical resistance is suitable to be used as insulation structure parts of electrical equipment. Phenolic cotton laminate sheet has good mechanical strength, it is suitable for PCB industry drilling pad, distribution box, jig board, die splint, high and low voltage wiring box, motor, mechanical mold, ICT jig, molding machine, drilling machine, table grinding pad and packaging machine, etc.

Leave us a message to get quotation and sample!

If you are attractive to our products, please send us a message and we will contact you as soon as we receive it. Email: whatsApp: +8615716749170

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